Mar 14, 2023 | Blog, Musician's Corner, Trinity River Blues Society
Musician’s Corner Feature – Rachel Patman Rachel Patman Rachel is an attorney-turned-singer and hails from a small Texas town south of Fort Worth known for its cattle leases, dry counties and gossipy mothers. As soon as she could run, Rachel left for university and...
Mar 3, 2023 | Blues Festival, News, Trinity River Blues Society
Trinity River Blues Society services all of North Texas as a affiliate of The Blues Foundation. Trinity River Blues Society services all of North Texas as a affiliate of The Blues Foundation. North Texas has so many phenomenal Blues Festivals coming up. So for your...
Mar 2, 2023 | News, Trinity River Blues Society
Public Service Announcement! Feed the City Charity!! Public Service Announcement! Feed the City Charity!! Trinity River Blues Society is calling all members, volunteers , anyone to please join us the second Saturday of the month at Boomerjack’s in Bedford Tx from...
Feb 21, 2023 | Blog, News, Trinity River Blues Society
Buddy Magazine showcases Trinity River Blues Society The Trinity River Blues Society was a sponsor of The 23rd Annual KNON Bluesfest. Here is an excerpt of the article. The 23rd Annual KNON Bluesfest was held at Poor David’s Pub, February 4-5, with a player list that...
Feb 10, 2023 | Blog, Trinity River Blues Society
TRBS welcomes our newest board members! TRBS welcomes our newest board members! With the new year TRBS welcomes five additional board members! Along with the current board members this addition will take TRBS to new heights!! All the new members all desire to...
Feb 9, 2023 | Blog, Musician's Corner, News, Trinity River Blues Society
Musician’s Corner Feature – R. L. Griffin R. L. GRIFFIN Musician R. L. Griffin, often called “the Right Reverend of the Blues”, is, and has been a major musical force in the South Dallas music scene since his arrival from Kilgore, Texas in 1967. He started out...